Boku wa imoto ni koi o suru
Boku wa imoto ni koi o suru

There’s that unsaid push-and-pull between a character who understands why he cannot voice his feelings and one who could not fathom what those feelings are, and it’s absolutely delicious drama to unfurl. Don’t panic just yet, they’re using bunk beds. In fact, they end up sleeping in the same room during their high school years. While the backstory padding of Boku wa Imouto no Koi wo Suru, whereby a very young Yori merely says he wants to marry his twin sister, Iku, the pair are not split at any point in their growing up. The Westermarck Effect is too typically glazed over in this subgenre of drama, whereby childhood splits are often pointed to in explanation of why the sibling or siblings do not feel disgust over their feelings for each other. There’s always going to be a flashback to childhood in these sorts of incest stories. And indeed, Yori’s story of incestuous love is one of classic melodrama, with potency straight out of the starcrossed lovers tales of yore.


Naturally then, when I saw the poster of this relatively short anime movie and a brief snippet of the synopsis, I jumped straight in to experience some wonderfully tense romance. Rather, I hope that the signs point to my love of the scandalous drama! Incest and scandals almost always share a common ground, and that’s where I come in to lap up the fallout of taboo spats and impulses. Long time readers of this blog are hopefully not clicking onto the fact that yours truly is a fan of incest fiction.

boku wa imoto ni koi o suru

Title: Boku wa Imouto ni Koi wo Suru / I’m In Love With My Little Sister

Boku wa imoto ni koi o suru